Botanical Garden Cologne

Empreinte has helped to create custom signage for the brand new glass greenhouse at Flora Park, one of Germany's most important botanical gardens, located in Cologne!

This 3,000 m² greenhouse, which is both architecturally and culturally remarkable, promises to recreate tropical and desert climates. Our team manufactured and installed directional masts, inspired by the designs of the Facts and Fictions agency, to guide visitors through this verdant oasis.

The challenge? To ensure that our materials would withstand the atmospheric conditions of the greenhouse. That's why we opted for an aluminium alloy offering excellent corrosion resistance.

Project manager: Facts and Fictions
Client: Stadt Köln

Technical specifications: Directional masts, aluminium, directional signage

Mâts directionnels pour signalétique extérieure sur mesure.webpSignalétique extérieure pour le Flora Park de Cologne.webpSignalétique extérieure sur mesure pour le Flora Park.webpSignalétique sur mesure pour la serre en verre du Flora Park.webp